Monday, April 29, 2013

What happens in my kitchen, stays in my kitchen

        I have to admit, I am terribly unfamiliar with the blogging lifestyle. It's safe to say that I'm pretty much a novice at everything: blogging, baking, apartment shopping, check writing, hair styling, nursing, and basically As much as I would like to consider myself a focused and productive student, I know that Pinterest receives more of my attention than my research papers. The product of such procrastination is 455 recipes and counting. 455. I have since decided that this blog will be a way to tackle that ridiculous number of "re-pinned" meals. I hope the only things created during this little experiment are edible and tasty treats, but I have a gut feeling that I will wind up with only copious amounts of stress and a burned down oven.  Since I just recently learned how to use kitchen appliances (not completely but I am pretty challenged when it comes to preparing a meal), I am relying on this experience to mold me into somewhat of a house-wife. [insert joke here]. No, I am not married, but I figure that I should learn how to cook something more than just egg whites and grilled cheese. After all, the key to a man's heart is through his stomach, right? Or perhaps it's through some other part of his body, but writing a blog about those experiences would require a lot more effort and free time...

         Now, I cannot promise that my end-products will look or taste remotely like the recipes I am following, but I can promise that the journey will be entertaining. Since I am a full-time graduate student living off government loans, I practically have an income as useful as the one generated during a game of Monopoly. Having said this, please do not expect those beautifully detailed pictures of savory cookies or mouth-watering cupcakes. Instead, I will simply use my iPhone 4 to take semi-appealing pictures of semi-professional delicacies. As for my ingredients, most will be purchased from my local Aldi store or stolen from my friends' and family's pantries. My only baking assistants will be my pug-nosed dog, Izzy, and my large-nosed boyfriend, Bill. So without further delay (or awkward rambling), I introduce to you my world of baking/cooking for the struggling "pseudo-adult"!

       If you would like to get ahead of me and start whipping up some of these delicious meals and treats in your own kitchen, here are the links to my Pinterest boards that contain all of the recipes I will be trying/rating/ruining. All you have to do is ask: 
"to be fat or not to be fat, that is the question"

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