Thursday, June 20, 2013

Caramel "Kissed" Brownies

                  I haven't had a summer this terrible since my mother sent me to "Vacation Bible School" when I was ten. Grad school has stolen my soul, free time, and sex appeal. Seriously, I haven't gotten my eyebrows waxed in months. I look like Brooke Shields' unfortunate twin sister. At least in Bible Camp I got free snacks and a nap. The only things I've gotten from nursing school are hypertension, hypochondria, and a fancy new vocabulary. Since I am so stressed, I knew that I had to bake something simple and comforting. I had justtttttt the idea. If there's anything I've learned from "Rom-Coms" it's that chocolate solves nearly every problem. It can even get you back together with your ex! Now let's add some caramel to the mix and that's what I like to call an Annie Sullivan. Miracle worker.
            Well, these brownies were almost as big of a let down as Shaquille O'Neal's acting career. They were a tad too cake-like for me. Not to mention that it took forever to unwrap a whole bag of Hershey Kisses. I don't know what kind of machines or Chinese sweatshop workers they have preparing these candies, but I need to invest in one. (Of course I'm kidding. The only slave labor I support is having your children do yard work.) The original recipe just sounded so delicious and the poster's pictures had me salivating like a male at a strip club. As usual, I blame myself for my not-so-tasty recipes. I'm just a girl in the kitchen who hasn't got a clue.

"Hershey Kiss Caramel Brownies"

  • 1/2 c. butter
  • 1 c. brown sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract 
  • 3/4 c. all purpose flour
  • 3/4 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 bag Hershey Caramel Kisses

  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Grease 8 inch pan or line with parchment 
  2. In mixing bowl, beat sugar and brown sugar until fluffy
  3. Add 2 eggs one at a time allowing time to beat in between additions
  4. Next pour in vanilla extract. Don't forget to scrape sides of the bowl
  5. Mix in cocoa powder, flour, and salt into the wet mixture
  6. Save 3/4 of mix and set aside. Spread the rest of the brownie mixture into the pank
  7. Add the caramel candies on top of the mix
  8. With the reserved 3/4 cup brownie batter, add the remaining 1 egg and beat till combined
  9. Pour the remaining batter on top of the kisses
  10. Bake for 30 minutes or until knife comes out clean from the center
  11. Cut and store in an airtight container
            I truly hope that you give these brownies a try and see how they taste! Although I'm a kitchen nightmare, I feel like the batter just needed more butter or oil. Any suggestions on how to change this recipe for the better are greatly appreciated. Even though these brownies didn't knock my socks off, I still ate them anyways. A couple seconds in the microwave and you have a decent midnight snack or early morning breakfast. (I never was one for oatmeal.) Thank you Rachel Cooks for inspiring me to try this recipe. You clearly know what you're doing whereas I am still trying to figure out if it's wet ingredients-to-dry ingredients or vice-versa. At least I still remember to turn the oven off. Until next time, readers!

         Number of Pinterest recipes conqured: 11
         I declare this recipe a: caramel catastrophe. But seriously, I couldn't get that shit off my hands for days.

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